Calculated dew point

Threshold alerts

Threshold warnings

Calculated dew point

Sensor name

Meaningful name to identify sensor

Extended resolution

Increases the display of the measured values to 2 decimal places.

Dew point spread

Display the difference between the current temperature and the dew point, instead of the absolute dew point

Threshold alerts

Alert delay

Alert is triggered only if limit is exceeded for this number of seconds

Lower limit

Alert, if this value is subceeded

Upper limit

Alert, if this value is exceeded


Difference of values in direction of normal state to be measured before another alert is raised after again exceeding threshold

Threshold warnings

Warning delay

Warning is triggered only if limit is exceeded for this number of seconds

Lower limit

Warn, if this value is subceeded

Upper limit

Warn, if this value is exceeded


Difference of values in direction of normal state to be measured before another warning is raised after again exceeding threshold